Professional coaching
Professional coaching is an excellent way to support the developmentof individuals within their company by helping them to view their practices with a critical eye and put actions in place to meet the objectives established along with metrics to measure results and effectiveness.
We have observed that the more individuals are in harmony with those around them, the better their wellbeing, motivation, confidence and effectiveness. The people that succeed the most in their work and in life are those who love what they do. They do it well and, in general, without much difficulty. Yet the working world and the complexity of our lives do not often give us the chance to experience this. Most of our frustrations arise from the gap that exists between our potential and what we actually accomplish.
Our firm boasts 5 certified professional coaches and/or having a degree in the field, and who adhere to the deontological charter governing the profession.
Would you like to know more about the work we can do together? You can reach me for a free telephone conversation of 30 minutes or send me an email.
The coaching relationship is an excellent opportunity to reduce this gap by strengthening the individual’s personal balance and his impact within the company.

Testimonial from Jacques Darbon – Financial Director of Crédit Foncier de Monaco
“A personalized coaching session with METCH Consulting, and especially with Michelle Turchetto? It was an opportunity that was offered to me by CFM Monaco Banque Privée, one to be fully enjoyed!”
“This work, done three years ago, helped me achieve personal development goals that were aligned with those of the company. Even today, the benefits are significant and remain deeply ingrained. With so much talent, Michelle Turchetto introduced me to a vast range of possibilities with uncommon conviction and much naturalness. The execution of my role as Financial Director has been permanently improved. The only question is: when is the next step?! Thank you, Michelle.”
Testimonial from Technical Director in a large high-tech company
“I would like to share my testimony about the coaching provided by METCH Consulting.”
First contact: During our first meeting with the head of the firm, there was an immediate rapport. Now, I can understand that the coaching began at that moment.”
The contract: The tripartite contract involving the firm, the coachee, and their manager was submitted to our HR department, who immediately approved the arguments written in a familiar style.”
Management and follow-up focused on the person: This was the first time I was helped to assess my behavior or feelings in management situations. In some training, we review theory with a simulation exercise. The difference is that the entire coaching session is dedicated to one’s personal case.”
Listening and the freedom to speak is the most rewarding part of coaching. The opportunity to express one’s difficulties or the blocks faced is facilitated by subtle questioning that encourages deep exploration of the causes that led to the situation.”